Home Components Input
Overview Playground API
Enables native inputs to be used within a Form field.
Usage Here are different types of inputs.



Slots Fancy larger or smaller input? Add size attribute for additional sizes.

Sizes Fancy larger or smaller input? Add size attribute for additional sizes.

States Disabled Make input look inactive by adding the disabled boolean attribute to any <button> element.


Readonly Make input look inactive by adding the disabled boolean attribute to any <button> element.


Events On input change a CustomEvent goat:change is triggered by the element.

      document.querySelector('#name-input-field').addEventListener('goat:input', function (event) {
        myConsole.log('goat:input :: ' + event.target.value);

      document.querySelector('#name-input-field').addEventListener('goat:change', function (event) {
        myConsole.warn('goat:change :: ' + event.target.value);
Usage Slots Sizes States Events
Work in progress