Home Components Modal
Overview Playground API
Modals are used to display content in a layer above the app.
Open Modal Modal labels and headings should be set in sentence case. Keep all labels and headings concise and to the point. Modal labels are optional. Save the record Do you like Ice cream?

    Open Modal


        Modal labels and headings should be set in sentence case. Keep all labels and headings concise and to the point.
        Modal labels are optional.
        Save the record



      Do you like Ice cream?


<script> const modalButton = document.querySelector('#open-modal-button'); const modal = document.querySelector('#sample-modal'); const saveButton = document.querySelector('#save-button'); const cancelButtons = document.querySelectorAll('.cancel-button'); const nameElm = document.querySelector('#name'); const genderElm = document.querySelector('#gender'); genderElm.items = [ { label: 'Male', value: 'Male' }, { label: 'Female', value: 'Female' }, { label: 'Other', value: 'Other' }, ]; function resetForm() { modal.showLoader = false; saveButton.showLoader = false; saveButton.disable = false; saveButton.color = 'primary'; cancelButtons.forEach((cancelButton) => { cancelButton.disabled = false; }); nameElm.value = ''; genderElm.value = ''; } modalButton.addEventListener('click', () => { modal.open = true; setTimeout(() => { nameElm.setFocus(); }, 80); }); saveButton.addEventListener('click', () => { modal.showLoader = true; saveButton.showLoader = true; saveButton.color = 'secondary'; cancelButtons.forEach((cancelButton) => { cancelButton.disabled = true; }); // Mock save setTimeout(() => { modal.open = false; resetForm(); }, 1000); }); modal.addEventListener('goat:modal-close', () => { modal.open = false; resetForm(); }); cancelButtons.forEach((cancelButton) => { cancelButton.addEventListener('click', () => { modal.open = false; }); }); </script>
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